Our mission



and exchange information and experiences on LGBTQI+ issues within the integrated police, with a view to promoting mutual respect. 


all police officers to help them detect discrimination or hate crime on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. 


victims of homophobic or transphobic acts to the relevant actors, internal or external to the police, with a view to lodging a complaint. 

raise awareness

on LGBTQI+ issues within and outside the police, based on the experience gained in Belgium and at European level. 


By becoming a member, you do more than just support us!

With your help, since 2012 RCB has been developing awareness, information, training and guidance actions to promote mutual respect. Together we will continue these actions within and outside the police in the coming years.

Would you like to join us and support us? You can, whether you are a member of the Belgian police or not.

For practical details and to join, click on the “Become a member” button.  

FR//📅 1er décembre – Journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida�Aujourd'hui, nous nous unissons pour sensibiliser, soutenir et rendre hommage à toutes les personnes touchées par le VIH/sida. Ensemble, nous pouvons briser les préjugés et construire un avenir sans discrimination. 🌍❤️�Prenons un moment pour nous informer, nous engager et soutenir les initiatives qui changent des vie#JournéeMondialeContreLeSidae#solidaritéa#zérodiscriminationationNL//📅 1 december – Wereldaidsdag�Vandaag staan we samen om bewustwording te vergroten, steun te bieden en eer te betonen aan iedereen die getroffen is door hiv/aids. Samen kunnen we vooroordelen doorbreken en bouwen aan een toekomst zonder discriminatie. 🌍❤️�Neem een moment om je te informeren, je in te zetten en de initiatieven te ondersteunen die levens verandere#wereldaidsdagd#solidariteiti#nuldiscriminatienatie ... See MoreSee Less
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© 2020 Rainbow Cops Belgium LGBTQI+ Police –